This and that.......
1. The color challenge went on without me. I missed Brown and Red. 2. This is my back porch where I enjoy reading when the weather is right. Today it was PERFECT. See the temperature? 70 degrees, sunny with fluffy clouds and breezy. Such a glorious summer day. If all summer days were like today, I would love summer.
3. One thing I do not enjoy is gardening. About once a year I manage to pull some weeds or plant a small pot of flowers, but I'd much rather pay professionals. This plant by the evergreens is growing all over everywhere. I'm assuming it must be a weed since it seems to be taking over, but it looks better than most weeds. Does anyone know what it is?
4. Reading quilting blogs takes up a lot of my time. There are so many good ones out there, and I particularly enjoy hearing about new books and techniques, and seeing pictures of colorful quilts. I admit that I also enjoy the baby pictures and the dog/cat pictures. 5. Reading books also takes up a lot of my time. I finished a small book this morning, started in on another book this afternoon, listened to another book on my iPod while I took a walk, and have a book on CD going in my car. 6. No quilting, sewing or stitching today. That happens a lot.
Bonnie that is creeping euonymous.
It is a perennial, can I come over and have some? Please...
I've always known it by its common name "snow on the mountain" and I googled it and found this: "Bishop Weed - Snow on the Mountain
Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum'"!!! Wow! The picture looks exactly like yours and your sis used to have it lining her driveway in Prospect Heights. I've always loved it.
Your porch is just right for enjoying the lazy days of summer!
Jeanne :)
Hi Bonnie, Love your porch and the idea of it being 70 all summer! Hope we can see your fob at bee. If you want to get rid of some of that snow in the mountains I'd like some too, it's gets really pretty flowers the stand up from the leaves.
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