Friday, December 31, 2010

Guilty Pleasure

Once I start a jigsaw puzzle, I can barely drag myself away from the table. Doing jigsaw puzzles is my guilty pleasure, so I try to do them only at the holiday season.  This is my New Year's Eve puzzle, only I finished it by noon today.  Oops.  So I ran out to the store and bought another puzzle which I started tonight - New Year's Eve - and will finish tomorrow morning while watching the Rose Bowl Parade.

Next week I will get back to quilting again.  The holidays are over, the puzzles will be completed, and it will be time to clear off my cutting table (that will take a day), make a list of my UFO's, and get busy making/finishing some quilts.

Happy New Year to all...........

Monday, December 27, 2010

Puzzle finished...

Finished up this puzzle yesterday.  It was not an easy puzzle to do.  I kept having to refer to the picture on the box and sometimes I was just sure that a piece must belong to another puzzle.  I do love putting puzzles together though, even when my back is aching from leaning over the table.  I have another puzzle to do on New Year's Eve and then I am through with puzzles until next Christmas/New Years.

In roaming around Ravelry one day, I saw a pattern for a "potato chip" scarf.  It is named "potato chip" because you supposedly cannot do just one.  Clever.  I am using some leftover yarn I had in my meager stash just to try out the pattern.  It really should be done with a softer yarn.  However, it is fun to knit, and occupies my hands while watching TV.

My New Year's To Do list (of craft projects) is long, long, long.  Will this be the year I actually cross off every item on my list?  I say YES.  It is so easy to be optimistic around January 1st.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Puzzle Time

Each year, at Christmas and New Years, I allow myself the time to put some jigsaw puzzles together.  750 tiny pieces of puzzle pleasure.  This is not an easy puzzle, so it may take me until New Years to get it done!

Hope you are having a Merry Day also.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Getting organized in 2011 (Don't laugh)

As 2011 fast approaches, I am thinking about how I want to get myself organized.  It all starts with my desk/office area.  After seeing pictures in a few magazines of highly organized (and cute) desks, I am green with envy and determined to do something about my messes.

(Please note that the magazine pictures have NO wires showing, from the lamps or computers.  And most of the desks don't even have a computer on it.  Come on.........  get real.)

Here are pictures of my messy office. 

The wires.

The computer desk.

The auxiliary desk.

Under the auxiliary desk.

Today I spent several hours organizing the pictures on my computer.  There were 450 files of pictures to organize.  I have eliminated and re-organized 63 of those files and am up to the year 2006.  Digital pictures are mighty convenient, but keeping them organized is a daunting task.  (We won't even mention the boxes of unorganized printed pictures stored in my basement.)

I wrote out a LONG list of cleaning/organizing projects to occupy my time in 2011.  Will I ever have time to quilt or stitch or knit?  Yes I will.  I have also decided to carve out time each day for all my crafts.  

And now, since I don't have to do anything until 2011, I think I will go read a book.  

Please do not remind me of the list I made for 2010 - or the seven year goals I set back three (four?) years ago.

Ever optimistic.................

Thursday, December 9, 2010

No Sewing Here

There is no sewing going on here.  I have been busy with other things and although I am having fun and enjoying the Christmas season, I'm also looking forward to January when I can concentrate again on quilting, stitching and knitting projects.

Tonight I am having friends over for dinner and an evening of knitting and/or making some simple Christmas decorations.  The table is set.

The wreath is up on the fireplace and a Christmas card from one of my favorite people is proudly displayed.

Although I decided that I would not decorate for Christmas this year, a few favorite things have found their way onto tables and walls.  Here are a few favorite Santas.

Today (and every day) I am grateful for friends, good food, a fire in the fireplace, and wonderful smells coming from the kitchen.

Friday, December 3, 2010


In the midst of working on various Christmas projects, I took an hour out to make this apron.

It is a panel - Cookie Jar Treats Apron by Wendy Edelson (licensed to Wilmington Prints).  There are two pockets that are cut to perfectly match the fabric.  I seldom purchase panels, but this one was well worth the price.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Decorating

Today I put my tree up.
(OK, OK, so it's a little itty bitty thing - it's a Christmas Tree!)

I also put out these two place mats that I started two years ago and finally finished today.

Of course good old St. Nick (made by Lindsay) was hung in the place of honor in my living room.

A woolie made by Moe  -

a quilt made by Melanie -

and a 12 Days of Christmas quilt (made by me) -

and a Scentsy warmer with the Nativity scene
complete most of my Christmas decorating for 2010

(Just love that Silent Night Scentsy warmer! ! )
