Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Good for me......

Wow - doesn't this bowl of apples make a nice picture? I bought a bag of apples because it is September (Fall to me), they are a healthy snack, and on Weight Watchers they are only 1 point. Unfortunately apples are not my favorite food. On my list of favorite foods, apples might be close to the bottom. Now apple pie, apple cobbler and apple slices are a whole different matter.

When I got appendicitis (back in my 20's), the last thing I had eaten was an apple. For years after that, I could not face eating an apple. Then, during one of my dieting phases, I went to Diet Center where an apple a day is recommended, so I ate tons of apples. If Diet Center recommended a bag of potato chips every day, would I be sick of them? (NO)

Will I actually eat these apples? Some creative thinking needs to take place to make them palatable - like baking them with Splenda, or dipping them in yogurt, or adding diced pieces to my green salad. I keep telling myself, Apples are good for me, Apples are good for me......

Years ago I read Julia Cameron's book, THE ARTIST'S WAY. In the book she discusses Morning Pages - an exercise of writing (by hand, not on the computer) each morning using the stream-of-consciousness method. I have practiced doing Morning Pages many times over the years. For some reason, doing Morning Pages seems to give me energy for the day. I use this writing time to plan out my day, to record what happened the day before, and to write out my gratitudes and prayers to God. I write three pages each day. About half way through, I usually feel like I have nothing more to say, but per Julia, I keep writing. Sometimes it is nonsense, but soon I am back on track and by the time I get to the end of the third page, I wish I could write more.

Now you may be asking, if Morning Pages is so great, why does she stop doing it? Good question! Company comes and my routine is interrupted - I go away for a vacation - I have an early morning appointment - I don't feel well. Excuses, excuses.

Food management and Morning Pages - it is time to consume those apples and lift that pen. Good for me!


Jeanne said...

Haha -- good luck with the apples and the writing!
I used to do handwritten entries every single day ... kind of fizzled down into the blog posts and not even every day any more.

Maureen and P.D. the Pet Dog said...

Hi Bonnie, Love your post. I'm not a fan of apples either but actually bought 2 of them this week...not as optimistic as you are...good for you! I love the idea of the morning papers. I do mine at night and it's only a paragraph. I never named it before but I think I'll call it Night Papers or something like that. I usually go back and read some of my paragraphs too to see if what I was thinking about doing got done. :-) Have a great weekend. Moe